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About us


                                              Hi, and welcome to  


                                  Denise and I are excited to be part of this great adventure here in Auckland New                                      Zealand. The region is special to us, as we became Christians here. Whilst we

                                     are a local based church, we are always interested in the global church. Our                                           vision and missions underpin that kingdom vision.   Most churches have been                                        recently been impacted with local, National and international regulations                                                 regarding travel, communication and gathering; we have sought to diversify                                         some of our activities. Recently, we have moved our operations closer to the city in a region called Epsom / Newmarket. If you are new to the region, why not visit us?


Our current year courses, focus on "RELEASE". We all have responsibility to use the gifts which God has graced us with and put them to work. There is no such thing as unemployment in the kingdom, so putting those gifts to work is this years mandate. Pastoral Care and e-QUIP are mentoring groups which provide opportunities to enhance and activate your gifts. (SEE LINKS) Both these courses have a mandatory "practicum" (a task based application of learning behaviours), therefore are not suited to  the casual learner, or those who have not prioritised their gift and call to ministry. 






Ongoing courses in 2024-25


Living Essentials Course  will commence in the Autumn and the graduates of LE will join further graduates of the KINGDOM LIFE and ROCK SOLID course which concluded in DEC. Last years prophetic ministry and presbytery was amazing, with a clear sense of direction for all involved. Both courses commenced in 2021 in conjunction with our internship leadership programme.


​​​​​​Eden Kids is an initiative which provides care and development, for our Eden Kids, spirit soul and body. This programme really excites us all, and it is growing numerically and thriving. The programme is divided into three components where contemporary worship, practical and enthusiastic teaching with FUN and GAMES...literally! Our children's ministry team are continually striving to provide innovative tools and materials to supplement their creativity and passion. All our workers comply with our child protection policy and are continually being supported to excel in this precious ministry. 


We are establishing a vibrant team whose focus is on growth groups in the region, with combined evening meetings in the community. We are all excited at the amazing growth and frequent salvation's we are seeing, and our Club 180 programme is ensuring we provide good steady growth for our newcomers.


Denise and I have been in full time ministry since our ordination in 1985, where we were Pastors within The New Life Churches of NZ and more recently LIFE church of NZ. Since then, we have pioneered churches and pastored in the UK, Australia, and with continued ministry in over 20 Nations. Our present focus and season, is in local church ministry, which we love and feel honoured to serve. We minister cross denominationally, and seek to build through relationships, not opportunities. We believe the local church is integral to kingdom expansion.


Our passion (and belief) is the local church and in the realm of biblical teaching, Team development and Church planting. We love praying for people and have seen some amazing Healing's, but there is no greater miracle than that of salvation. (regeneration). We have four children (and 7 grandchildren) and will celebrate 51 yrs of marriage this year. We presently live in Central Auckland.



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Tony Mckeown
Ministry Departments

Children, Youth, Men, Woman etc.

Denise Mckeown

Pastor Team Ministries

Worship Services

Sunday Service Management

Welcome Team
Personal Development

The Connect Team

Leadership / Development



3 Ngaire Ave,

Newmarket / Epsom,


New Zealand, 


P.O. Box  163105



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Eden Church Auckland New Zealand.

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