Welcome to our courses page. In recent times, we have had to adapt our courses to becoming quite dynamic in their delivery and flexible. This has required us to do more online activities than expected; and as such we are in a steep learning curve in meeting these challenges. Our desire is to meet the need of our people in the most relational and practical ways. Thank you for your patience.

February 26, 2020
eQuip is more of a discovery and preparation course for those who evidence the gift to teach, and are willing to be taught how to effectively minister LIFE in a biblical and anointed way. This comprehensive course has been designed to equip those who identify with the gifts essential in teaching and preaching the word of God. The practical application will be in a small group or Sunday Church Service over the duration of the year. Each person is expected to lead a church defined teaching group.
February 24, 2021
This new and innovative course is based upon the excellent pastoral training guide by Doctor Frank Damazio. This comprehensive (and engaging) study is designed to equip and activate those with a passion and gift in pastoral care. We are also providing coaching and practical assignments to engage gifts with outcomes. The course covers many key subjects, and is held in a small group setting once a week over four semesters. Download the brochure and register online or through the centre.
It's always fascinated me as to why the Jews were (and are) so persecuted.
My dad admired the Jews because of their persecution – He used to say "they must have something that generates so much hatred towards them?". Yet in the midst of a Roman culture laden with gods for everything – Christianity flourished to become the world’s largest religion. Why?
In this series i want to pose two questions:
1. Why would anyone want to become a Christian?
2. What (if anything), can we learn from them
Join us online and in person for this mini series running between semesters end. "Dangerous Faith", is a great series to support our studies. Start with the Introduction video on Vimeo
If you have found yourself stuck in ongoing struggles and difficulties, God offers us freedom in Jesus Christ. The Steps to Freedom In Christ help us to identify areas of false belief in our past and to renew our minds today with God's truths from the Bible. Pursuit of Freedom will help us to approach our Creator in prayer and repentance, which enables us to discover and believe our identity in Christ!
If you are caught in a cycle of entrapment, feeling guilty or just worn out trying to live a life of freedom, this course will provide the answer.
Galatians 5:1 " For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." (ESV)
Pursuit of Freedom is the second part of our vision purpose "To Find Freedom". Freedom from a Christian perspective, can only truly be achieved when we "Know the truth", for the truth sets us free! John 8:32. The course is divided into four semesters:
1. The Tree of Life - Understanding truth and it's capacity to transform us (8 weeks)
2. The Person of The Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit reveals truth and brings freedom from bondage's
3. The Gifts and fruits of The Spirit - Practical gifts assessment and personal discovery (8 weeks)
4. Making a difference - Truth and freedom set us free to make a difference by "networking"
Each semester provides theory and practical application. Truth "sets us free". There are many reasons why "blockages" stop us from living free. Culture, belief, tradition, false teaching, spiritual oppression, demonic control, rebellion and a life of religion without Christ.
"The pursuit of freedom", is for those desiring to be set free and dig deep into the truth of Gods word. Our focus is to be transformed as we are renewed in our mind, spirit and soul. Rom 12:1-2
February 22, 2020
Vision Lunch
Each year we set the focus on our vision for the church. This year we will host a lunch to outline the systems and strategies in moving forward. During lunch the team will present the thinking behind the activities for 2020. The presentation will be followed with a question and answer time to help newcomers understand why we do what we do.
The notes are available in PDF format here
February 19, 2020
Growth Path
Here at Eden, we take your spiritual and personal growth seriously, which is why we have a clearly defined programme to help you "Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose and Make a Difference". We are ALL different and yet have many things in common. When you have found our "fit", we achieve our mandate and the kingdom grows. Whether you are at the initial stage of "Getting to Know God", or already "Making a Difference", we can all find ways to be more effective. Join us in our VISION week in February, to start the process.
Leadership 202
Last years leadership 101 was focused on the "What's"' of leadership. Leadership 202 will focus on the "How's" of leadership. All too often we present leadership as a "task based" role, when in fact that is more of a management concept. True spiritual leadership focuses on "How" to influence and effectively develop strategies and impart vision to those around us.
Leadership 202 is open to those who are part of the current leadership team and those with a passion to support our team vision and values. Held four times a year, 202 builds upon the vision and values we embrace at Eden, and provides practical keys to developing teams in our four vision areas:
Church Life (Know God, A Place To Begin Again)
Pastoral Care - (Finding Freedom)
Kingdom (Discovering Our Purpose)
Care In The Community (Making A Difference)
Our INTERNSHIP programme will provide practical strategies and opportunities to grow the intern, grow the body, and grow the Kingdom.
Download the brochure here
The Internship is an eleven month intensive ministry development training programme majoring on character development, set within a city church. Individuals with the call of God on their life are exposed to six vision areas within the leadership structure of EDEN and are personally mentored by the senior leadership team learning the practical aspects of serving church vision, in a local, national and international expression.
Each selected Intern, will be trained in each of the
following departments:
Administration and Community
Creative Ministries
Kingdom builders
Pastoral care and support
Teaching and Training
Children and Youth
Administration / Desktop Publishing
All expressed through Sunday service management
The Internship is open to individuals over 18 yrs of age who are planted into the local church and in excellent relationship with its senior leadership, and consistently committed to living by the vision, values, philosophy and doctrine of Eden church. Download our brochure below.
An interns promotional lunch will be held in late January 2020 where interested candidates will have the opportunity to ask questions and see a presentation by our senior pastors.
NEXT steps
At this open home evening we will share our heart and desire to see every person in our care fulfilled in the purpose that God has for them. NEXT steps is an opportunity to ask questions that will assist you in making the right choices for you.
Our church is a family and a home. However, as Kingdom people, our goal is to help you find your home and help you connect into your God given purpose. We all enter a new church with four
fundamental questions:
1. Am I accepted here?
2. Do I belong here?
3. Is this place friendly?
4. How can I invest?
At Eden, we have a clear vision and a personal growth process which will provide support and direction to all those within our care. NEXT steps will help you on your path.
Small Groups Workshop
28th January workshop for small group facilitators, and the ethos behind the structure and vision for focus and growth groups within Eden. Essential training for those hosting a small groups and becoming part of the first tier leadership within Eden. Please note that the teaching notes are for Eden use alone and are not freely available to copy, distribute or forward to none Eden members. Please honour the principle. All rights remain with Coaching 4 life Ltd.
February 22, 2020
Partners of the vision
Knowing WHY we do what we do, and WHEN is the core of WHAT we do at Eden. Several times a year we host a lunch after the morning service where we present the year ahead and help you decide if Eden is the place to be. In 2019, we will start with a week when we will present our vision.
Partners of the vision follows the precursor course of Friends of the vision course.
In P.O.V. we identify the expectation and process to become part of the leadership within church life. The course is designed to identify key components of why we do the things we do and the strategy we employ in achieving that.
February 22, 2020
Friends Of The Vision
Want to know our vision, our values, our purpose for having church? This "Get to know our DNA" course helps each person to make a values judgement about whether Eden Church will become their church home. FOV is the precursor to Partners of the vision, in which we identify the expectation and process to become part of the leadership within church life. Presently, we invite people to consider applying for membership, when they feel comfortable with our vision, values and denominational relationship. Often this takes time to get to know us, so there is no rush, but we would recommend a settling in period of regular attendance. Each year prior to our A.G.M. we will receive new applications to be reveiwed by the spiritual oversight.
A 32 week course that provides solid foundational teaching on keys essential to live life in the kingdom of God. Participation concludes with a week of fasting and prayer with prophetic presbytery for all those who complete. Homework is required along with memory verse and study. Download the brochure now.
Graduation criteria, requires 100% homework completion, 50% memory verse recital and a minimum of 80% ACTUAL attendance. Audio is available for registered students in lieu of absence. Registrations are essential by 31st January 2018.and fees may be paid by semester.
Semester 1 15 February—05 April
Semester 2 10 May—28 June
Semester 3 26 July—13 September
Semester 4 11th October—06 December
Living Essentials
A twelve week foundational study which outlines keys to leadership, vision and principles of fruitful living. Living essentials was designed for those with a desire to both understand and apply principles of living out the essentials of an empowered Christian Life. Study by correspondence is available for Eden family members only at this stage.
March 21, 2020
When visiting a church for the first time we ask four fundamental questions/
1. Is this place friendly
2. Am I accepted
3. Do I belong
4. How can I invest
Only when we have answered those questions are we willing to invest our gifts, talents and abiliites into the vision.
Assimilation is a four week course that helps people in our care to answer these and other questions.
Leadership 101
Leadership 101 is the first part of our ongoing leadership development program. We take personal responsibility to train and develop people for effectiveness in how we lead God's people. Held Six times a year on a Saturday morning. It is not presently open to none church members, but we encourage all our leaders, friends and partners to participate where possible. The dates for 2018 training days are:
21st April 10:00—12:30 pm
23 June 10:00—12:30 pm Mark
15 September 10:00—12:30 pm

Semester 1 13 Feb - 02 April
Semester 2 07 May - 25 June
Semester 3 23 July - 3 Sept
Semester 4 22 Oct - 10 Dec